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Cloud AppDev Power with GraphQL Relay – Clear 4 Step Example

In Graph database application development, particularly in the cloud, choosing the optimal architecture like GraphQL Relay can make or break

Graph Databases in Pro Sports Analysis as a Competitive Differentiator

Graph databases such as Neo4j are driving the next generation of professional sports analytics and data science. Going back in

Application-Driven Graph Schema Design, Demystified

While graph databases like Neo4j are schemaless by default, we should still leverage the power of schemas in development by

What is a Graph Database? Complete Overview

As a database developer or analyst you may have heard of “graph databases” but perhaps not know exactly what they

Graph Database Schema Design Demystified

Serving data to front-end developers who are not Cypher experts while also maintaining many API endpoints can be a hassle.

Building Recommendation Engines (3-Step Guide)

While the name “recommendation engine” might seem to imply it all, there is so much potential in this technology approach

The Power of Storing Corporate Data in a Graph Database

As a company grows, it needs to ensure it is surrounding itself with the right people, partnering with reputable organizations,

Exploring Product Lifecycle Graphs: Example

Our previous blog “Next-Gen Basket Analysis with Graph” looked at product-to-product relationships by compressing the high-dimensional…

Exploring the World of Beer With Beer Graphs

Real-Time Recommendations: Exploring the World of Beer with Graphs May 5, 2021 | 11:30 am ET In an increasingly competitive world, the…

Graph-Centered AppDev Series: Backend Architecture

Join us for the second episode of our year-long video series Graph-Centered AppDev, covering the common pitfalls of…

Graph Database Applications – The Powerful New App Paradigm

In our years delivering Neo4j consulting, we’ve had the good fortune of helping our clients across a wide variety of use cases; from…

Academic Initiative Webinar [CLOSED SESSION]

Neo4j, Cypher and the value of this flexible, schema-optional database for modern analytics, using graph databases. If the topic of