Consulting Services

Hume Consulting

hume knowledge graph

Hume Implementation Service Pricing

As the principal GraphAware Hume reseller in the Americas, we bring you expert Hume consulting services, and value added Hume reselling.

Curious to learn more about the platform first? Click to learn about GraphAware Hume.

Hume consulting

Hume Consulting

Hume Certified Consultants

Leverage our experience with 100s of clients

Hume Certified Data Scientists


Larger project and retainer consulting pricing available.
Hume appdev

Hume AppDev

Includes scoping, design, ETL, build and deployment

Benefit from our UX best practices

Top Hume App Developers


Larger project and retainer consulting pricing available.
hume data science

Hume Data Science

Hume, Neo4j / Graph Database Certified Data Scientists

Benefit from cutting-edge ML / NLP experience across a variety of industries

NLP Thought Leader Consulting ($380/hr)


Larger project and retainer consulting pricing available.

Graph-Native Knowledge Graph Platform
Click for an in-depth answer to What is GraphAware Hume? In brief, meet the code-optional knowledge graph AppDev and analytics ecosystem that brings analysts as well as data scientists the full power of graph data, queries, and algorithms. Backed by Neo4j, Hume is the fastest, most scalable, and highly secure way to build graph-apps and to generate insights and intelligence from your data.

GraphAware Hume Capabilities

graphaware hume

Our GraphAware Hume solutions:

  • Hume Architecture
  • Hume Implementation
  • Hume Analytics
  • Hume Visualization
  • Data Science in Hume (NLP / ML)
  • Hume Knowledge Graphs
  • Hume Governance
  • Hume AppDev
  • Hume Connectors
  • Hume Best Practices
  • Hume Training
  • Hume with Neo4j
  • Hume Reseller
  • Neo4j Consulting

A few client stories.

Contact us

let's talk About GraphAware Hume

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing more about your company needs, and giving you a demo of GraphAware Hume!

+1 844-472-7471

let's talk About domo

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing more about your domo analytics, domo dashboard, or other domo project!

+1 844-472-7471